Friday, July 25, 2008

Hi ho, Hi ho, on a road trip we will go~

This is the day we have been waiting for! After spending most of the month working long hours and responding to SEC requests for an audit, we are FINALLY going on vacation to rest. Destination, somewhere in Indiana. I will let you know when I get there. It is the annual Holiday Rambler RV rally. Smaller this year I understand with less than 500 units. Historically we have had as many as 1200 together. Gas prices are really taking their toll.

Kenny and I recently hosted a Bible Study on the Armor of God. I learned a lot from it. If I could get one application to apply it would be that we need to have our thinking straight before we pray. We often view our circumstances out of context and we don't keep an eternal perspective. Also, it was encouraging to remember all that Jesus did for me and my position in him (completely protected) as I go out into the world each day and witness for him. I need not fear for the Lord is all around me and has provided me tools to meet the challenges if I will use them. Bible Study is important but application is key!

Well, I will keep you up to date as I move along.

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