Monday, September 22, 2008

Is Jesus your All in All?

I think everyone from time to time experiences times of discouragement. People let us down failing to meet our needs and expectations. Sometimes it is groups of people. I have been going through a time of discouragement myself. All around me people I count on have not been able to be counted on for one reason or another.

Friends, family, employers, my church has all been either going through disappointment together with me or they have disappointed me in some way. While I would like to have a human comforter, it just seems that no one really understands but the Lord alone.

Here is my challenge. There is no doubt that this world is not my home. My home is with the Lord in heaven. Will I give in to the disappointment around me or can I trust my Lord to be my all in all? The answer is yes, of course. Jesus Christ is the only trustworthy one and he is the only one who can know my heart. The challenge is will I? My comfort doesn't need to come from human sources, but I can rest in the knowledge that I am the Lord's and He is mine.

I am studying in Bible Study Fellowship how because Pharaoh had hardened his heart against the Israelites, God came to redeem his people with signs and wonders to reassure the Israelites that God heard their prayers and to confirm to the entire Egyptian nation that God is greater than any man and he will not be mocked. Pharaoh's sin brought doom to his entire nation. Untold numbers of people and animals suffered and died as a result of the plagues God brought to Egypt. Some disappointments are a result of sin, either committed by me or against me.

I don't want to be like Pharaoh who would not yield to God and paid the price. We haven't gotten there yet, but the Israelites had their time as well of rebellion and disbelief, but God was merciful and kept his people in his care. I am so glad that my Lord cares enough to correct me when I am in error and brings me back into fellowship if I will confess my sin.

For those who sin against me, my challenge is to discern my place in encouraging them to make right choices, to pray for them, but not intervene in their choices. God will have to deal with their hearts alone and I must not play the role of Holy Spirit. My Lord is omnipotent and he cares deeply for me his child. I can trust him to keep me and my loved ones in his care.

I know these are rambling thoughts to someone who does not know my heart, but I write this for myself as much as for others to read that my Lord cares no matter what we go through and the circumstances and disappointments we face today are just the thing required for us to really let go of every source of comfort and pleasure we look to apart from Jesus Christ our Lord. He is allowing us to go through times of testing and trial to see if we will really trust Him.

I hope that I can report of deliverance soon, but if not, I know I can entrust my entire life in the Lord's care.

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