Boy, last month was literally a blur. One thing after another. Work has been particularly intense as we are using Microsoft CRM for the first time. It is more complex than the databases I have been accustomed to and keeping up with all the coworkers questions on how to use it has been a real challenge for me. At the end of a day I am so exhausted, I can hardly do anything but take myself home to rest.
We did camp one weekend with the Tidewater Ramblers and then we went to South Carolina for my nephew's graduation party. It was great to see my brother and my sister for a while. My brother drove in from New York State. His son Joshua also graduated, but didn't want a party so he joined the big one at Pat's.
We have now had a chance to camp a couple of times in the new travel trailer and are getting where we are more at home.
I started reading a book over the trip to SC called "Amazed by Grace" it is a biography of Oswald Chambers. So far it has been a great story, but I am only about 1/3 through. I love reading about the lives of some great men and women of faith. Cheap grace seems so prevalent in our age, I am not sure that our measure of righteousness even begins to compare with the standard that they set for themselves. We all know that even the most righteous of men does not even begin to measure up to God's standard of holiness so it just accentuates how much we let our standards for ourselves deteriorate to match our own actions.
I had many topics to write on last month but not any time to write. I don't have a lot of time to write even now, but the great thoughts have already escaped me. If God reminds me, I will try to get some posted, but if he doesn't I will assume they were really just meant for my own application.
I will try to get some pictures of the graduation party and the trailer and the new rock wall I built at the end of my driveway posted soon as well. Whenever you don't have time for sharing deep thoughts, pictures are always a nice place holder.
I hope it won't be a month before I write again, but until I do. Keep pressing on the upward way!
Saturday, June 9, 2007

Just some recent pictures of Pru the Bassett:
I have been practicing with my new camera phone. Pictures are Ok, but not great.
Pru has been thoroughly enjoying her company Sushi and Sassy. Sushi is a Golden Lab/German Shepherd mix who chases birds and squirrels. Pru likes to get Sushi to chase her. Pru runs past Sushi and Sushi tackles. Pru rolls and has a great time. She gets up and makes another pass to do the same thing.
Sassy is a curly haired mop dog. She likes to play ball. Pru doesn't play ball, but she will chase Sassy if she is after the ball.
As a typical Bassett she sleeps whenever she isn't running full speed. On all the way or off all the way -- two speeds to this dog.
She has adopted one of our house guests, Emily as her own. She thinks having a girl is great! We should have gotten one of those before!
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