Did I say we were "finally" going on vacation? Well, it is vacation, but we aren't going anywhere. I understand that we have an issue with the trailer axels. THANK GOD Kenny found it before we left and we were not stranded somewhere along the road. He tried to reach Holiday Rambler's 24 hour help line. It is a message machine that says they will get back to you during business hours :)
Anyway, I am content where ever we are. I will take the dogs for a walk and enjoy the day regardless of our surroundings. The video has some commentary by Kenny on the cause of his issue.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Hi ho, Hi ho, on a road trip we will go~
This is the day we have been waiting for! After spending most of the month working long hours and responding to SEC requests for an audit, we are FINALLY going on vacation to rest. Destination, somewhere in Indiana. I will let you know when I get there. It is the annual Holiday Rambler RV rally. Smaller this year I understand with less than 500 units. Historically we have had as many as 1200 together. Gas prices are really taking their toll.
Kenny and I recently hosted a Bible Study on the Armor of God. I learned a lot from it. If I could get one application to apply it would be that we need to have our thinking straight before we pray. We often view our circumstances out of context and we don't keep an eternal perspective. Also, it was encouraging to remember all that Jesus did for me and my position in him (completely protected) as I go out into the world each day and witness for him. I need not fear for the Lord is all around me and has provided me tools to meet the challenges if I will use them. Bible Study is important but application is key!
Well, I will keep you up to date as I move along.
Kenny and I recently hosted a Bible Study on the Armor of God. I learned a lot from it. If I could get one application to apply it would be that we need to have our thinking straight before we pray. We often view our circumstances out of context and we don't keep an eternal perspective. Also, it was encouraging to remember all that Jesus did for me and my position in him (completely protected) as I go out into the world each day and witness for him. I need not fear for the Lord is all around me and has provided me tools to meet the challenges if I will use them. Bible Study is important but application is key!
Well, I will keep you up to date as I move along.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Kenny sliding a tree
This tree limb fell recently after a storm. It was too large to pick up for sure and rather than cutting it up and taking it piece by piece to the curb for trash pickup, he decided to take the entire limb and then cut it up once it was at the curb.
B goes to Summer School

Here we are at obedience classes. This was B's first night. We are making progress at getting along with others, though this first night she was rather distracted by all the other dogs.
She still is very stubborn about following commands. She knows what to do, but just refuses to do it.
I was proud of her and she was proud of herself the next week when she actually began participating in some of the exercises. She could tell she was getting it and was being like all the other dogs. I really believe she is going to be a sweet dog once she works through her demons.
Club Camping

Well, here is just a sample from our recent campout at Jellystone Campground in Emporia. We had some former campers who came by to visit with us and join in our pot luck supper. Carl and

We go for walks with our dog friends. Here is Captain, a Maltese owned by one of our members. Captain went on vacation with us last year and will be going again this year!

The children that were at the campground enjoyed playing. Captain joined the fun for a while.

The men sometimes get together to form a thinktank to solve all their operability issues and to re-engineer their units to make them spiffier!
Bluegrass Weekend

The weekend after our return from Louisiana we went to the Bluegrass weekend at American Heritage Camground in Williamsburg. They have this weekend twice a year. Essentially, people who are bluegrass enthusiasts camp there and musicians roam from group to group, joining in and playing and singing through the weekend. We just went as spectators, but had a great time. Below is a video to give you a taste. We had several of our friends from the Virginia Penninsula Campers club were there as well as Sonny and Linda. 

South of the Border

South of the Border! My favorite cheesy place to visit! I was a little disappointed that so much of it was not open when we were there. A huge rainstorm came through in the middle of the night and left our entire campsite under water.
Of course, I was outside with the dogs who were taking a potty break when the heavens opened up and drenched me. Not a great picture of Pedro's, but maybe next time we go I will get a better one.
And another Ruth

After visting one Ruth we went on to another. I got to know this Ruth when she was a client of mine. She was so kind to let our dogs have the run of her house. B was still not very mannerly, but Pru thoroughly enjoyed romping with Pumpkin, their dog.
Ed, Ruth's husband is former Navy and had a lot of commonality with Kenny and I being a Navy couple. Actually only Kenny was in the Navy, I stayed home and did all the work!:)
I would have loved to have stayed longer, but Kenny wanted to make time on his way to Charleston to pick up his refurbished motor for his Ram Charger. He now has 5 of them.
Oak Mountain State Park

Our friend Ruth said that Oak Mountain State Park was very close to where she lives. And it is.... When we talked by phone she mentioned that one entrance of the park was closer to the campground and it would be the best route to take. We entered by that entrance. There was a very steep and winding road taking you to the park then once at the gate, we mentioned that we were going to the campground. The ranger pointed the direction to us and we followed the road. It took you along the breastwork of a dam which made for beautiful scenery, and then we saw that the road dipped down into the overflow of the dam. Wow! Never saw that before!
I wish I had taken some pictures of the actual campground. It was a beautiful park and I would love to go back. If you do try to go there please know that you cannot make reservations by phone during the weekends. They only have one person that works the registration and it is a popular spot, so they can't stop checking people in to answer the phone. Call during the week day for your reservation. By the way, I recommend one. The line for check in was lengthy.
Trip home from Louisiana

I have really fallen behind in my posts....
On our way home we stopped to see
Ruth from our former church. She met us in line for a pot luck and commented that we didn't sound like we were from Virginia. As it turned out, she is from the same area of New York that we are and her deceased husband had been related to my uncle in New York. Small world.

We had a great time catching up. I always enjoy her company.
We got to have dinner with her and chat then had breakfast the next morning before heading out to our next destination.
Ruth and I also have both Emmaus and BSF in common so it is so easy to fall into conversation with her.
The picture on the deck is from her house. She has a gorgeous place in Birmingham AL. I had no idea it was so hilly there!
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